Posts Tagged ‘Magic Smoking Monkey Theatre’

Harry Potter and the 90-minute Stage Production

October 24, 2012
Harry Potter (c) J.K. Rowling (c) Hyuknice

You’re a Wizard Monkey, Harry.

A big chunk of my year so far has been dedicated to a project of epic proportions.

Magic Smoking Monkey Theatre is putting on a production of all eight Harry Potter movies condensed into 90-minutes.  Not only did I adapt the script from the movies, but I am also going to be playing Ronald Bilius Weasley in the show which opens on December 7th.

How did this all come about?

Well, for those who don’t know MSMT, they are a theatre company that take cult or classic movies and stage them as a comedic production which usually runs about an hour.  Previous works include Plan 9 from Outer Space, The Star Wars Trilogy in one hour, and The One Hour Lord of the Rings.

Last year after appearing in MSMT’s “It’s a Wonderful Life”, Donna Northcott the company’s Artistic Director, and myself found ourselves in front of a DVD collection which included the Potter movies.  I had wanted to write a Monkey show since I first worked with them in 2008.  When Donna mentioned her plan to do Harry, I had to jump in.

“Let me help you write it,” I said.

Due to Donna actually having stuff to do, I ended up tackling the whole thing myself, with some helpful suggestions along the way.  I began on Tuesday, February 7th, and with a few breaks, missteps and rewrites along the way completed it on Tuesday, October 9th.

When setting about writing this I knew it was important to do two things; 1) Keep every line of dialogue accurate to the movies.  2) Make sure I preserved Harry’s overall story arc across the eight films.

My rules were simple, I could cut extraneous lines, scenes and words, and bolt different scenes together.  I would not, however, paraphrase or re-write any lines of dialogue.  The Monkey cast will then do our magic with improvisation, ad-libs and inappropriate inflection.

It’s going to be a lot of work and a tonne of fun.  Hope you can make it out.

Performances will be Friday December 7th, 8th, 14th and 15th at Lindenwood University’s black box theatre.

Can I Cram Mo’ into NaNoWriMo?

November 3, 2011

Until I can afford an infinite amount of Monkeys...

So, I’ve been calling myself a writer for a few years now, based on the fact I like writing stuff.  I even got paid for a short story, see On ‘Tap’ula Rasa.
Now, apart from my children’s book, which is finished – just not ready yet, I haven’t actually finished writing anything beyond 2000 words, except for two screenplay’s.
So I’ve been feeling like I’m not a writer, of narrative prose at least.
Then I stumbled upon National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo for short.  For those not in the know (as I was) the idea is to write a novel during November.  There are group write ins organized and you can keep track of your progress online.  You “win” by completing 50,000 words by the end of November.
In addition to writing a novel, this evening I began rehearsal for Magic Smoking Monkey theatres “It’s A Wonderful Life”.  This will open on December 2nd.

Then as if that wasn’t enough to keep me busy, filming is supposed to start on Geitzler’s Asylum very soon.

So if I seem a little distracted, now you know why!

My plan is to keep a weekly update of my NaNo progress…  Look out for update one tomorrow (after I actually get some time to write!)


The things I do for a laugh – part 1

May 18, 2011

Last Wednesday (11th), I took my cat Squeaker to get a mani-bathe and groom.  Much as I enjoy snuggling with a fluffy wolverine, the amount of scars are starting to alarm people.  Plus I had a very lucky escape the other day when I blew on his tummy, and he decided to attach his paws to the side of my head and kick me in the face.

My next errand of the day was to get myself shaved.  For a one scene joke in the play I am in, I had to have something shaved into a part of my body people don’t usually get to see.  My request was the cause of much amusement amongst the ladies in the salon, but the potential embarrassment has been worth it.

There’s only one way to find out what I had shaved, and where – and that’s to come and see one of the last four shows that go up this weekend.

Hopefully see you there!